Comprehensive healthcare solutions for your well-being.
Blood / Urine / Stool tests focused on Cardiovascular & Cancer screen, X-ray, CT, and Ultrasound imaging (at various partner locations). All screening includes a complimentary review with our Doctor.

Recommended Adult Vaccinations, Travel Vaccinations, Child Vaccinations, Pregnant Women Vaccinations

Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Weight Management, Smoking Cessation
Childhood Vaccination, Developmental Assessment based on Child health booklet, Viral illnesses, General Paediatric conditions

Pap smear, Mammogram, HPV Vaccination, Contraception, Menopause

Erectile dysfunction and Sexual health, Andropause, Male-pattern Hair Loss, Prostate Screen, STD Screen

Wound Care, Toilet & Suture, Incision & Drainage, Removal of Foreign Bodies etc

Maid Check-up, MOM Medical Examination, Driving License

Our Mission

Virtue Medical is a family-oriented clinic that strives to empower patients through active partnership to achieve the best outcome for their health.

Our Values

  • We believe in values of love, patience, kindness, goodness undergirding all our interactions with our patients
  • We believe in working hand-in-hand with you towards your better health.
  • We believe in increasing health literacy.
  • We believe in primary prevention of health where possible.
  • We believe in good communication and a long-term relationship with our patients built on trust.
Virtue Medical

Start a conversation

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Mei Ling

+65 8827 0222

We are officially a HealthierSG and CHAS clinic (Pioneer/Merdeka/CHAS Blue & Green), and approved for MOH vaccination subsidy and Medisave. Please call or Whatsapp us for more information, or if you'd like to enrol with our clinic for HSG!